Legal Maxims Part 14
Explore the world of legal maxims: concise principles that form the foundation of legal reasoning and interpretation.
Explore the world of legal maxims: concise principles that form the foundation of legal reasoning and interpretation.
Explore the world of legal maxims: concise principles that form the foundation of legal reasoning and interpretation.
Explore the world of legal maxims: concise principles that form the foundation of legal reasoning and interpretation.
1. Nemo judex in causa sua Meaning: No one should be a judge in his own cause. Explanation: This maxim
1. Actus Non Facit Reum Nisi Mens Sit Rea Meaning: An act does not make a person guilty unless there
1. Ex post facto – After the fact or retroactively.Explanation: This refers to a situation where a new law or
Explanation: It means that a case is currently being looked at by a court, so people should not talk
1. Alibi – It means elsewhere. Explanation: An accused person can take the defense under section 11 of the Indian
1. Ignorantia juris non excusat: “Ignorance of the law is no excuse” It means every individual is presumed to know