
Legal Maxims Part 7

1. Corpus Delicti

Meaning: The basic facts and evidence that prove a crime happened.

Explanation: This is the evidence needed to show that a crime was committed, like finding a dead body to prove a murder.

2. Damnum Sine Injuria

Meaning: Harm that isn’t against the law or damage without injury.

Explanation: Sometimes people get hurt or suffer damage, but it doesn’t violate the legal right of the concerned, so there’s no legal claim or case.

3. De Facto

Meaning: What is actually happening.

Explanation: This describes the real situation on the ground, even if it’s not officially recognized by law.

4. De Jure

Meaning: What is supposed to happen by law.

Explanation: This refers to something that is legally required or officially recognized by law.

5. De Minimis Non Curet Lex.

Meaning: Law does not take account of trifle matter.

Explanation: This refers to very minor issues or act that are not important enough to take legal action over.

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