
Legal Maxims Part 8

  1. Sub judice – Being judged by a court.

    Explanation: It means that a case is currently being looked at by a court, so people should not talk about it or try to influence it.

  1. Sine qua non – Without it, it can’t happen.

Explanation: This refers to something absolutely necessary for something else to occur or exist.

  1. Per curiam – By the whole court.

Explanation: This means that a decision or opinion is made by the court as a group, not by one specific judge.

  1. Quod est necessarium est licitum – If it’s necessary, it’s allowed.

Explanation: This suggests that if something is needed, it is considered legal to do.

  1. Nullum crimen sine lege – No crime without a law.

Explanation: This means that something can only be considered a crime if there is a law that provides it is illegal.

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