
MLC Daily Current Affairs – 28 September 2024

Today in History (September 28th, 1837)

Bahadur Shah-II ascended the throne and became the emperor of Delhi at the age of 62 following the death of his father Akbar Shah-II.

Let’s Revise

A) What is India’s first mission to Venus called?

  1. Shukrayaan-1
  2. Mars Orbiter Mission
  3. Venus Orbiter Mission
  4. VOM

Answer: a)

B) When is the Venus mission planned to launch?

  1. March 2028
  2. March 2023
  3. March 2013
  4. March 2029

Answer: a)

C) What is the timeline for the Venus mission?

  1. Originally planned for 2023, now scheduled for launch in March 2028
  2. Originally planned for 2028, now scheduled for launch in 2023
  3. Launching in 2023 and reaching Venus in 2028
  4. Launching in 2028 and reaching Venus in 2023

Answer: a)

D) How often do Earth and Venus come closest?

  1. Every 19 months
  2. Every 2 years
  3. Every 5 years
  4. Every 10 years

Answer: a)

E) What technique will be used to slow the spacecraft?

  1. Aero-braking
  2. Solar sailing
  3. Gravity assist
  4. Propulsion system

Answer: a)

F) Why is Venus an important subject for studying Earth’s evolution?

  1. Because of its similar mass, density, and size
  2. Because of its distance from Earth
  3. Because of its atmosphere
  4. Because of its moons

Answer: a)

G) Which space agencies have announced Venus missions recently?

  1. NASA, ESA, and Russia
  2. ISRO, NASA, and ESA
  3. NASA, ESA, Japan, and Russia
  4. ISRO, NASA, Japan, and Russia

Answer: c)

H) What is the name of NASA’s Venus mission planned for 2029?

  1. DaVinci
  2. Veritas
  3. EnVision
  4. Venera-D

Answer: a)

I) What is the name of ESA’s Venus mission planned for early 2030s?

  1. EnVision
  2. DaVinci
  3. Veritas
  4. Venera-D

Answer: a)
J) How long will it take for the satellite to reach Venus’s orbit?

  1. Around 140 days
  2. Around 200 days
  3. Around 300 days
  4. Around 400 days

Answer: a

Summary of Today’s News

Asia Power Index

India has moved up to third place in the Asia Power Index, a ranking created by an Australian think tank, surpassing Japan for the first time.

Key Points about the Asia Power Index:
• It was started by the Lowy Institute in 2018.
• This index measures how powerful countries are in the Asia-Pacific region each year.
• It looks at 27 countries and how they influence and respond to global events.
• The index assesses both a country’s resources and its impact on the world stage.
• The 2024 report provides one of the most detailed looks at power distribution in the region so far.
• For the first time, Timor-Leste is included, highlighting its growing role in Southeast Asia.
• The index is based on two main factors: resources and influence.

Resource-Based Factors:
• Economic Capability: Looks at a country’s economic strength, including GDP, technology, and global connections.
• Military Capability: Assesses military strength based on defense spending, armed forces, and advanced weapons.
• Resilience: Measures a country’s ability to handle internal threats and maintain stability.
• Future Resources: Predicts resource distribution by 2035, considering economic, military, and demographic trends.

Influence-Based Factors:
• Economic Relationships: Evaluates how countries can use trade and investment to gain power.
• Defense Networks: Assesses military alliances and partnerships.
• Diplomatic Influence: Looks at a country’s reach in global diplomacy and its participation in international forums.
• Cultural Influence: Measures how a country shapes global opinion through culture and media.
The report notes that India has not yet fully realized its potential. Despite its resources, India’s influence is still lower than expected, suggesting it has room to grow as a major power. The United States and China rank first and second, respectively.
While India’s large population can be seen as a challenge, it also boosts the country’s power in the region. The report states, “India’s great strength in Asia comes from its vast population, land, and economy.”

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